神秘的音乐 &“童话"
A dark, 环境版税免费万圣节轨道与怪异的钢琴位, strings, wind fx, 一些合成器和深鼓, 非常适合悬疑和恐怖电影, video games, cartoons, animation, tv shows,...
Beautiful, motivational and 鼓舞人心的 experimental electronic background abstract royalty free music soundtrack for your modern video project. 环境冷步,抽象电子和...

实现目标-音轨 by AudioInfinity

这个很漂亮, 鼓舞人心的, stylish and technological ambient background royalty free music track with orchestral instruments, 小故障,尖锐的打击乐器和自信的鼓点. Dreamy,...
- - - - - -大气, dreamy, thoughtful, 和俏皮的轨道具有通风垫, 抽象的纹理, 还有空间钢琴. 设置一个纯粹的,坚定的,戏剧性的情绪.-最适合纪录片,自然视频,...
This one is a uplifting and motivational corporate royalty-free music track, 用静音吉他, piano, and pad, 非常适合做演讲, 公司的视频, vlogs, promos, advertising, YouTube...
适合游戏, animations, advertising, YouTube的电影, cinematic, trailerscartoons, vlogs, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,radio, movies, videos, 电视制作,...
童话冒险 &“魔法森林"
A dark and mysterious cinematic music with magic sound and fantastic theme. Includes cinematic strings and brass, hybrid keyboards, synths, pads, downlifters and some effects. 最佳选择...
适合游戏, animations, advertising, YouTube的电影, cinematic, trailerscartoons, vlogs, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,radio, movies, videos, 电视制作,...
适合游戏, animations, advertising, YouTube的电影, cinematic, trailerscartoons, vlogs, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,radio, movies, videos, 电视制作,...

创新生物股票音乐 by AudioMechanicaMusic

这是一个很好的, quiet, minimal, atmosphere, technology, music track that will be perfect for any media project with themes of innovation, biology , medical, teaching, science, 移动的过程,...
Beautiful, 鼓舞人心的, emotional, electronic and atmospheric aerial royalty free music track. Light and gentle with cool cinematic atmosphere electronic track, featuring organic sounds and...
Beautiful, 鼓舞人心的 and calm glitch ambient background soundtrack with modern percussion, 柔和的合成器, 尖锐的打击乐器和优美的管弦乐乐器. 适合:...

宁静岛-股票音乐 by AudioInfinity

Dreamy, magic, atmospheric, beautiful and 鼓舞人心的 meditation and new age royalty free music track with deep pads, 吉他旋律, 大自然的声音, 低沉流畅的声音和很多很多很多...
适合蒙太奇, 商业视频和开场白, science,medical, technology, travel, 生活方式和健康视频. Also good for startup,app, promos, explainers, uplifting and inspiring...
Space Track &“恒星运动"
一个未来的,充满活力的上升空间拖车. 你可以想象恒星在太空深处的运动! 令人敬畏的音质和美妙的心情! 电影,电影院,预告片的最佳选择...
Atmospheric Warm Lounge Downtempo Background MusicBeautiful atmospheric abstract royalty free music track. Ambient and 鼓舞人心的 chill music with beautiful pads, piano, vocal samples, some...
适合游戏, animations, advertising, YouTube的电影, cinematic, trailerscartoons, vlogs, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,radio, movies, videos, 电视制作,...
适合游戏, animations, advertising, YouTube的电影, cinematic, trailerscartoons, vlogs, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,radio, movies, videos, 电视制作,...


音乐一开始, the listener is whisked away to a world of sonic experimentation far beyond conventional music. Anxiety mounts with each passing second as the listener is drawn farther into the immersive soundscape by unusual rhythms and melodies. 每一件作品都是一次通往未知的激动人心的旅程, with sounds ranging from glitchy electronic rhythms to somber orchestral compositions. No matter what the audience expects from the first note of experimental abstract stock music, 他们肯定会被迷住的.


All songs on this page are characterized by their distinct and unconventional approaches to composition and 声音设计. 例如,“Horror Room" includes eerie soundscapes and dark melodies to create an atmosphere of suspense. 相反,”《og体育首存活动》的哲学" combines cinematic and EDM 元素创造一个现代和令人兴奋的曲调.


  • 不可预知的节奏. Attention-grabbing rhythms that leave the listener eager for more. 这创造了紧张和阴谋.
  • 不寻常的旋律. The inclusion of unexpected melodies that may not always adhere to established scales or chord progressions. 这提供了一种不可预测性和惊喜感.
  • 声音处理技术. 使用颗粒合成, 光谱处理, and other forms of digital signal processing to create unique and otherworldly sounds.
  • 仪器的聪明才智. The incorporation of non-traditional instruments or common instruments in unconventional ways.
  • 强调情绪. Prioritizing atmosphere over melody or rhythm to provide immersive and otherworldly soundscapes that transport the listener to new and unfamiliar sonic worlds.
  • 非传统的声乐治疗. 以非传统的方式使用人声, for example, 更像是一种乐器而不是传统的抒情表达, 实现原创曲调. 人声可能会被扭曲或处理并用作背景.
  • 节奏多变. Songs can be fast, upbeat, medium, or slow, and the tempo may vary throughout a song. However, 如前所述, the rhythm is often unpredictable and may not follow a traditional pace or time signature. 这提供了一种紧张感和阴谋感.

How to Make the Most of Royalty-Free Abstract Songs and Why You Should

Obtaining 没有支付版税的歌曲 在很多方面都是有益的. The biggest benefit is the money you'll save instead of having to pay a composer to write new tunes from scratch. Moreover, musicians and composers who are interested in exploring new sounds and styles can use a pre-recorded track as a starting point for their creative process.

Experimental abstract compositional practice often doesn't follow standard structures or genres. Therefore, it might be used for a wide range of projects, including:

  • 影视;
  • 电脑游戏;
  • YouTube或TikTok视频;
  • podcast;
  • 广告;
  • 演示;
  • 无线电广播;
  • audiobook;
  • 项目介绍;
  • 其他创造性工作.


Do you want your visitors to play MP3 tracks directly from your media library? 那么,只需花7分钟来学习如何做. This video shows you how to play tracks from the media library with WordPress' brand-new audio player. It also demonstrates the various skins that can be applied to the audio player so that it blends in with the website design. This feature is particularly useful for anyone who wants to showcase media content on their sites, 包括音乐家和播客.



音乐家、制作人和作曲家创造了它. These artists often come from diverse backgrounds and create a range of sounds that explore novel musical concepts. 特别是, 它们融合了各种类型, 尝试音景, 创造出真正独特而迷人的东西.


You can broadcast to 1 or 10 million audiences depending on your license. Here 是否有更多关于音频许可的信息.


Sure! You may sell as many 音频资产 如你所愿,事实上,成为著名的 凯文•麦克劳德. 他写了超过2首曲子,000 royalty-free stock tracks used in thousands of movies and millions of YouTube videos. Templateog体育首页将帮助你实现更多!


Easy-peasy. og体育首页ONE is an innovative platform that offers free digital assets to its subscribers. 只需一次订阅, you'll have access to a vast library of premium website templates, graphics, 3D models, and more.