AiTech – AI & Robotics Figma Template
The AiTech Figma template is perfect for businesses leveraging AI for growth. With a modern and creative design, it highlights skills in ML, Education, Predictive Analysis, and Robotics.
Sales: 1
Guns Shop - Figma UI Design SALE
Discover Guns Shop - Figma UI Design, your gateway to a visually stunning and user-friendly firearms store website. This meticulously crafted UI kit features four essential
Delicious Restaurant Dashboard

Delicious Restaurant Dashboard by Codezil_Technologies

This Restaurant Dashboard allows restaurant management to view order data, stock details, restaurant table, payment details and produce client order invoice
20+ Portfolio UI Elements
20+Portfolio UI Elements that very easy to use and customizable. Get simple services for your website, app, services, etc. You can easy to change color style and fully edit on adobe...